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Guías y textos didácticos

A través de esta guía te invitamos a descubrir los sistemas de agua dulce que acoge Patagonia, reencantarte con sus misterios, y cohabitar este hermoso territorio protegiéndolo mediante valiosas acciones en busca de un desarrollo sostenible.

Un ecosistema dulceacuícola es un tipo de ecosistema donde domina el agua dulce y es hogar para seres vivos que se adaptan a vivir en él. Desde la cordillera al mar, el sistema de agua dulce en Patagonia nace desde lo más alto de las cumbres de los Andes conectando glaciares con ríos, fiordos y océanos.

Te invitamos a conocer a los cetáceos y otros mamíferos marinos que acompañan a las ballenas azules en los alrededores del golfo Corcovado, en la Patagonia norte chilena.

Este cuento se basa en hechos reales ocurridos recientemente. Algo está cambiando en nuestros mares, y eso es lo que Bailahuén, la ballenita azul, necesita descubrir para salvar a las sei y a todas las especies.

Afiches didácticos



Melimoyu: canto milenario de ballenas

En este disco se honra el canto de ballenas azules y jorobadas, que viaja miles de millas por el mar. los cantos de cetáceos fueron registrados mediante el uso de boyas maru (hidrófonos de alto alcance y complejidad), ubicadas en los principales puntos de avistamiento de ballenas del golfo corcovado. estos registros son realizados por fundación MERI desde el año 2012.

Campaña #BallenaALaVista en la

Conoce aquí los sonidos de las ballenas.

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Reportes Expediciones

Posters Congresos

Caruso, A. Bocconcelli, G. Chiang, L. Hickmott, and L. Sayigh. Acoustic behavior of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) in the Gulf of Corcovado, Chile, recorded on DTAGs. 2016.
Colpaert, A. Bocconcelli, W. Zimmer1, R. Landea Briones and L. Sayigh Interacción de ruido antropogénico y llamadas de ballenas azules en el área Chiloé-Corcovado, Chile. 2016.
Wood, G. Howes, R. Landea, A. Carroll, A. Bocconcellil, L. Sayigh. Ver lo no visto: estudiando la diversidad, distribución y estacionalidad de ballenas en la costa de Chiloé-Corcovado mediante boyas de monitoreo acústico pasivo. 2016.
W. Durban, M. Moore, G. Chiang, L. S. Hickmott, A. Bocconcelli, G. Howes, P. A. Bahamonde, W. L. Perryman, D. J. Leroi Fotogrametría de ballenas azules por medio de un hexacóptero. 2016.
Bocconcelli,M. Saddler, L. Hickmott, G. Chiang, P. Bahamonde, F. Caruso, & L. Sayigh. Acoustic behavior of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) in the Gulf of Corcovado, Chile, recorded on DTAGs. 2016.
Colpaert, A. Bocconcelli, W. Zimmer, R. Landea Briones, G. Chiang, and L. Sayigh. Potential effects of anthropogenic noise on blue whale calling behavior in the Chiloé-Corcovado region, Chile. 2015.
Wood, R. Landea Briones, A. Carroll, L. Sayigh. Utilizing passive acoustic monitoring to study baleen whale diversity, distribution, and seasonality off the coast of Chile.
Chiang, K. A. Kidd, N. J. O’Driscoll, S. Jara, M. Diaz-Jaramillo and K.R. Munkittrick. Mercury biomagni‑cation in a Chilean Patagonian marine foodweb: preliminary results. 2014.
Wood, R. Landea Briones, A. Carroll, A. Bocconcellil, L Sayigh. Seasonality and distribution of baleen whales in the Chiloe-Corcovado region, Chile, using passive acoustic monitoring.
Colpaert, R. Landea and L. Sayigh. Anthropogenic noise and blue whales in the Gulf of Corcovado, Chile.


conservación ambiental para el cuidado de todos

Papers Científicos



Review of Gray’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon grayi) in the South East Pacific.2022
Seasonal Trends and Diel Patterns of Downsweep and SEP Calls in Chilean Blue Whales.2022




On Valuing Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change: A Framework with Application to Elephants and Whales. Ralph Chami, Thomas Cosimano, Connel Fullenkamp, Fabio Berzaghi, Sonia Español-Jiménez, Milton Marcondes and Jose Palazzo. Economic Research Initiative at Duke. 297. 2020
Using photo-identification to investigate the identity of blue whales at South Georgia: a comparison of photographs with Chile. Paula Olson, Bárbara Galleti, Sonia Español-Jiménez. International Whaling Commission SC/68B/SH/132020. 
Preliminary results of comparisons within Southern Hemisphere Blue Whale Catalogue (SHBWC) Project off Southeast Pacific and Eastern Tropical Pacific region. Barbara Galletti Vernazzani, Elsa Cabrera, Sonia Español-Jiménez, Ken Findlay, Paula Olson and Frederick Toro. International Whaling Commission SC/68B. 2020.
Diel differences in blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) divebehavior increase nighttime risk of ship strikes in northern Chilean Patagonia. Francesco Caruso, Leigh Hickmott, Joseph D. Warren, Paolo Segre, Gustavo Chiang, Paulina Bahamonde, Sonia Español-Jimenez, Songhai Li, and Alessandro Bocconcelli. Integrative Zoology 0: 1–18. 2020..
Body size data collected non-invasively from drone images indicate a morphologically distinct Chilean blue whale (Balaenopteramusculus) taxon. Matthew S. Leslie, Colin M. Perkins-Taylor, John W. Durban, Michael J. Moore, Carolyn A. Miller, Proud Chanarat, Paulina Bahamonde, Gustavo Chiang, Amy Apprill. Endangered Species Research. Vol. 43: 291–304, 2020.
Pathological Findings in Cetaceans Sporadically Stranded Along the Chilean Coast. Mario Alvarado-Rybak, Frederick Toro, Paulette Abarca, Enrique Paredes, Sonia Español-Jiménez and Mauricio Seguel. Frontier Marine Science. 7:6842020. 
First genetic record of a Strap-toothed beaked whale (Mesoplodon layardii) stranding in Chile. Sonia Español-Jiménez, Constanza Abaud, Camila Aceituno, Mario Alvarado-Rybak, Cintya Borroni, Gustavo Chiang, Javier Díaz, Winfred Espejo, María Luisa Estay, Ana M. García-Cegarra, Carlos González, Belén Gutierrez, Josefina Gutierrez, Daniel Henríquez, Andrea Hirmas, Pamela Mejías, Constanza Meriño, Charity Molina, Camilo Naretto, Florencia Olivares, Patricia Pereira, Diego Peñaloza, Betsy Pincheira, Nicolás Pinto, Omar Rojas, Carolina Sánchez, Barbara Toro, Frederick Toro, and Raimundo Undurraga. Aquatic Mammals Journal, 46(6). 2020.




Discovering sounds in Patagonia: characterizing sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis) downsweeps in the south-eastern Pacific Ocean. Sonia Español-Jiménez, Paulina A. Bahamonde, Gustavo Chiang, and Verena Häussermann. Ocean Sci., 15, 75–82, 2019.
Accumulation and potential sources of lead in marine organisms from coastal ecosystems of the Chilean Patagonia and Antarctic Peninsula area. Winfred Espejo, Janeide de A. Padilha, Rodrigo A. Gonçalves, Paulo R. Dorneles, Ricardo Barra, Douglas Oliveira, Olaf Malm, Gustavo Chiang, José E. Celis, Marine Pollution Bulletin 140, 60–64. 2019.
Concentration and Trophic Transfer of Copper, Selenium, and Zinc in Marine Species of the Chilean Patagonia and the Antarctic Peninsula Area. Winfred Espejo, Janeide de A. Padilha, Karen A. Kidd, Paulo Dorneles, Olaf Malm, Gustavo Chiang, and José E. Celis. Biological Trace Element Research. 2019
Presence of organochlorine pollutants in fat and scats of pinnipeds from the Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetland Islands, and their relationship to trophic position. E.G. Vergara, V. Hernández, K.R. Munkittrick, R. Barra, C. Galban-Malagon, G. Chiang. Science of the Total Environment 685, 1276–1283. 2019.




First record of humpback whale songs in Southern Chile: Analysis of seasonal and diel variation Sonia Español-Jimenez, Mike Van Der Schaar. Marine Mammal Science. 2018.
First acoustic recordings of critically endangered eastern South Pacific southern right whales (Eubalaena australis). Ellen Jacobs, Maureen Duffy, Jessica Magolan, Barbara Galletti Vernazzani, Elsa Cabrera, Rafaela Landea, Susannah Buchan, Laela Sayigh. Marine Mammal Science, 35(1):284-289. 2018.
Trophic transfer of cadmium in marine food webs from western Chilean Patagonia and Antarctica. Espejo W., Padilha J., Kidd K.A., Dorneles P., Barra R., Malm O., Chiang G., Celis J. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 137:246-251. 2018.
Offshore hummingbird sightings in Chilean Patagonia. Segre P.S., Bocconcelli A., Hickmott L.S., Howes G., Warren J.D., Chiang G. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130(3):796-799. 2018.
Studying Heavy Metals on Antarctica by Using Non Invasive Biotic Samples of Penguins. Celis J.E., Gonzales-Acuña D., Espejo W., Barra R., Chiang G. Environmental Analysis & Ecology Studies 1(5): 1-22018
Risks from technology-critical metals after extraction. Espejo W., Galban-Malagon C., Chiang G. Nature 557: 492. 2018.
Biomagnification of Tantalum through Diverse Aquatic Food Webs. Espejo W., Kitamura D., Kidd K.A., Celis J.E., Kashiwada S., Galbán-Malagón C., Barra R., Chiang G. Environmental Science and Technology Letters2018




Unsupervised Blue Whale Call Detection Using Multiple Time-Frequency Features Alejandro Cuevas, Alejandro Veragua, Sonia Español, Gustavo Chiang y Felipe Tobar. Proceedings of IEEE Chilecon 2017.
A Global Overview of Exposure Levels and Biological Effects of Trace Elements in Penguins Winfred Espejo, José Celis, Dabiel González-Acuña, Gustavo Chiang. Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology.2017
Characterizing Chilean blue whale vocalizations with DTAGs: a test of using tag accelerometers for caller identification Mark R Saddler, Alessandro Bocconcelli, Leigh Hickmott, Gustavo Chiang, Rafaela Landea, Paulina Bahamonde, Gloria Howes, Paolo Sagre, Laela S. Sayugh Journal of Experimental Biology. 2017
Persistent organic pollutants and porphyrin levels in excreta of penguin colonies from the Antarctic Peninsula area Solange Jara-Carrasco, Ricardo O Barra, Winfred Espejo, Jose E. Celis, Daniel Gonzalez-Acuña, Gustavo Chiang y Juan C. Sanchez-Hernandez Polar Record. 2017




Cade, A. Friedlaender, J. Calambokidis, J. Goldbogen. Kinematic Diversity in Rorqual Whale Feeding Mechanisms. Current Biology, Volume 26 (1-8). October 2016
Jara, R. Barra and W. Espejo, J. Celis and D. González, G. Chiang, J. Sánchez. Persistent organic pollutants and porphyrin levels in excreta of penguin colonies from the Antarctic Peninsula área. Polar Record. September 2016
W. Durban, M. J. Moore, G. Chiang, L. S. Hickmott, A. Bocconcelli, G. Howes and P. A. Bahamonde, W. L. Perryman, D. J. Leroi Photogrammetry of blue whales with an unmanned hexacopter. Marine Mammal Science. 2016
Bocconcelli, L. Hickmontt, G. Chiang, P. Bahamonde, F. Caruso, M. Saddler, L. Sayigh. DTAG studies of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) in the Gulf of Corcovado, Chile.. Volume 27. 10-16 July 2016
Alessandro Bocconcelli, Leigh Hickmott, Gustavo Chiang, Paulina Bahamonde, Gloria Howes, Rafaela Landea-Briones, Francesco Caruso, Mark Saddler, Laela Sayigh DTAG studies of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) in the Gulf of Corcovado, Chile. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 2016
Persistent organic pollutants and porphyrins biomarkers in penguin faeces from Kopaitic Island and Antarctic Peninsula
Rudolph, G. Chiang, C. Galbán-Malagón, R. Mendoza, M. Martinez, C. Gonzalez, J. Becerra, M.R. Servos, K.R. Munkittrick, R. Barra. Organic pollutants and porphyrins biomarkers in penguin faeces from Kopaitic Island and Antarctic Peninsula. Science of the Total Environment. 2016
Photogrammetry of blue whales with an unmanned hexacopter John W. Durban, Michael J. Moore, Gustavo Chiang, Leigh S. Hickmott, Alessandro Bocconcelli, Gloria Howes, Paulina Bahamonde, Wayne L. Perryman, Donald J. LeRoi Marine Mammal Science. 2016
Blue whales of the Chiloé-Corcovado region, Chile: Potential for anthropogenic noise impacts Wouter Colpaert, Rafaela Landea, Gustavo Chiang, Laela Sayigh. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 2016




Potential immunohaematological effects of persistent organic pollutants on chinstrap penguin S Jara-Carrasco, M.González, Daniel González-Acuña, Gustavo Chiang, Winfred Espejo, José Celis, P. Mattatall, Ricardo O Barra Antarctic Science.2015
Jara-Carrasco, M. González, D. González-Acuña, G. Chiang, J. Celis, W. Espejo, P. Mattatall and R. Barra. Potential immunohaematological effects of persistent organic pollutants on chinstrap penguin.. Antarctic Science 27 (04): 373-381. 2015



Mucus phosphoproteins as an indirect measure of endocrine disruption in native small-bodied freshwater fish, exposed to wastewater treatment plant and pulp and paper mill effluentsPaulina Bahamonde, Camila Berrocal, Ricardo Barra, Mark E. McMaster, Kelly R. Munkittrick and Gustavo Chiang. Gayana 83(1): 10-20, 2019.
Assessing wild fish exposure to ligands for sex steroid receptors from pulp and paper mill effluents in the Biobio River Basin, Central Chile. Rodrigo Orrego L. Mark Hewitt, Mark McMaster, Gustavo Chiang, Mauricio Quiroz, Kelly Munkittrick, Juan F. Gavilán, Ricardo Barra. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 171, 256–263. 2019.




Risks from technology-critical metals after extraction. Espejo W., Galban-Malagon C., Chiang G. Nature 557: 492. 2018.
Biomagnification of Tantalum through Diverse Aquatic Food Webs. Espejo W., Kitamura D., Kidd K.A., Celis J.E., Kashiwada S., Galbán-Malagón C., Barra R., Chiang G. Environmental Science and Technology Letters2018.




Barra, M. Díaz-Jaramillo, M. Rivas, P. Bahamondea, K R. Munkittrick. Estrogenicity and intersex in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to Pine/Eucalyptus pulp and paper production effluent in Chile. 2015 Aquatic Toxicology.
Chiang. Estrogenicity and intersex in juvenile rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss exposed to pine eucalyptus pulp and paper production effluent in Chile. 2015.
 Estrogenicity and intersex in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to Pine/Eucalyptus pulp and paper production effluent in Chile Gustavo Chiang, Ricardo Barra, Mauricio Díaz Jaramillo, Meyling Rivas, Paulina Bahamonde, Kelly R. Munkittrick Aquatic Toxicology. 2015




Chiang, K.R. Munkittrick, Mark E. Mcmaster, R. Barra and M. Servos. Regional Cumulative Effects Monitoring Framework: Gaps and Challenges for the Biobío River Basin in South Central Chile. Gayana 78(2): 109-119. 2014.


Fundacion MERI