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NovoPangea Chile 2020

First Conference on Climate Change, Scientific Evidence and Public Policy for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Day 1


Welcoming remarks by authorities on the first day of the “First Conference on Climate Change, Scientific Evidence and Public Policy for Latin America and the Caribbean”.

  1. Carolina Schmidt, Chilean Minister of the Environment of Chile
  2. Thelma Krug, Vice-Chair IPCC
  3. Francisca Cortés Solari, Executive President of FCS
  4. Maisa Rojas, Scientific Advisory Committee on Climate Change of Chile
  5. Eve Crowley, FAO Chile Representative

The Role of the IPCC in Latin America and the Caribbean for Adaptation Decision-Making

  1. Dr. Thelma Krug, IPCC Vice-Chair (Key note speaker)
  2. Dr. Carolina Vera, Vice-Chair of Working Group I of the IPCC (Panelist)
  3. Dr. Maisa Rojas, IPCC Lead Author (Panelist) – PDF presentation
  4. Dr. Carlos Méndez, Vice-Chair of Working Group I of the IPCC (Panelist)

Moderator: Patricia Morales, CEO of Filantropía Cortés Solari

IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate

Dr. Evelia Rivera, IPCC Lead Author – PDF presentation

Panel 1 Oceans: Challenges and Solutions

  1. Sonia Español, Cetacean Research Area Leader of MERI Foundation – PDF presentation
  2. José Luis Iriarte, Universidad Austral – PDF presentation
  3. Carolina Urmeneta, Ministry of the Environment of Chile
  4. Laura Ramajo, CEAZA – PDF presentation
  5. Ralph Chami, International Monetary Fund
  6. Gustavo San Martín, Subpesca – PDF presentation

Moderator: Juan Luis Orellana, Ministry of the Environment of Chile

Coordinator: Sonia Español.

IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land

  1. Thelma Krug, IPCC Vice-Chair

Panel 2 Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security

  1. Juan Antonio Carlos Correa, Intercultural Org.
  2. Francisco Meza, PUC. Centro del Cambio Global – PDF presentation
  3. Ornella Tiboni, FAO
  4. Maria Emilia Undurraga, ODEPA Director – PDF presentation
  5. Thelma Krug, IPCC Vice-Chair

Coordinator: Ornella Tiboni

Juan Antonio Carlos Correa, Org. Intercultural

IPCC Special Report on the Impacts of Global Warming of 1.5ºC

    1. Dr. Carolina Vera, Vice-Chair of Working Group I of the IPCC (Argentina) – PDF presentation
    2. Dr. Carlos Méndez, Vice-Chair of Working Group I of the IPCC (Venezuela) – PDF presentation

Panel 3 Modelo de desarrollo sustentable (ODS)  y Cambio Climático

      1. María Mercedes Proaño (FAO)
      2. Marcelino Collio, Asociación Mapuche We Kuyen – Presentación PDF
      3. Inés Camilloni (ARG)
      4. Pablo Marquet (PUC)
      5. Josefina Lema. Nación Kichwa Otavalo. Ecuador.
      6. Luiz Krieger (CEPAL)

Coordinadora: Thelma Krug, Vicepresidenta del IPCC.

Day 2


Welcoming remarks by authorities on the second day of the “First Conference on Climate Change, Scientific Evidence and Public Policy for Latin America and the Caribbean”.

      1. Andrés Couve, Minister of Science of Chile
      2. Thelma Krug, Vice-Chair IPCC
      3. Francisca Cortés Solari, Executive President of Filantropía Cortés Solari
      4. Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary for Latin America, ECLAC

The role of the IPCC in Latin America and the Caribbean in Mitigation Decision Making

      1. Dr. Thelma Krug, IPCC Vice-Chair (Key note speaker)
      2. Dr. Carolina Vera, Vice-Chair of Working Group I of the IPCC
      3. Dr. Maisa Rojas, IPCC Lead Author (Panelist) – PDF presentation
      4. Dr. Carlos Méndez, Vice-Chair of Working Group I of the IPCC

Moderator: Patricia Morales

IPCC Results: Climate Governance

      1. Dr. Pilar Moraga, Principal Investigator of the Governance and Science-Policy Interface Research Line (CR2) – PDF presentation

Panel 4 Governance and Climate Change

      1. Marcelo Mena, PUC Professor
      2. Maximiliano Reyes, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico – PDF presentation
      3. Ciro Colombara, Lawyer and partner of RCZ Abogados
      4. Leonardo Muñoz, Representative of the Ministry of Science of Chile
      5. Dr. Carolina Vera, Vice-Chair of Working Group I of the IPCC
      6. Thelma Krug, IPCC Vice-Chair
      7. Jose Eduardo Alatorre, ECLAC Representative

Coordinator: Patricia Morales, CEO of Filantropía Cortés Solari

IPCC Report on Oceans and Cryosphere. High Mountain Areas Chapter.

      1. Sebastián Vicuña, Director of the Center for Global Change – PDF presentation

Panel 5 Nature and Society: Reconciling Needs for Water

      1. Gustavo Chiang, Scientific Director, MERI Foundation – PDF presentation
      2. 2. Inés Camilloni, Representative of the Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera (CIMA) – PDF presentation
      3. Dr. Carolina Vera, Vice-Chair of Working Group I of the IPCC
      4. Gloria Ushigua Santi, Coordinator, Mujeres Sápara Association.
      5. Timothy Spuck, STEM Development Officer, Associated Universities Inc.

Coordinator: Alejandra Sther, Director of the Centro de Ciencias Ambientales Eula-Chile

Effective Conservation Models

      1. Patricia Morales, CEO of Filantropía Cortés Solari
      2. Flavia Liberona, Terram Foundation – PDF presentation
      3. Adison Altamirano, Universidad de la Frontera Professor – PDF presentation
      4. Leonel Tapia, Pago por Resultados Project, CO2 sequestration by native forests (FAO) – PDF presentation
      5. Sergio Araya, UAI – PDF presentation
      6. Dr. Evelia Rivera, IPCC Lead Author

Coordinator: Diego Flores (Head of Protected Areas Dept. Ministry of the Environment)