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Patricia Fernanda Pinho

Autor IPCC Capítulo 8 WII

I’m a Brazilian scientist, with well-established experience in climate change governance, justice, ecosystem services, livelihoods, and sustainability, with special focusing on the Amazon.

I’m passionate about the critical role of these unique Ecosystem (s) in delivering services for local livelihoods, regional economy, and climate resilience in Brazil, South America, and the world. On governance, I aim to the understanding what underpins people’s and policymakers’ decisions about ecosystem services, climate changes, and anticipated risks reduction on socio-ecological systems and human wellbeing. I’m trained in ecology, and cultural anthropology of the Indigenous People, the political economy, and climate change drivers that are resulting in loss of ecosystem services and resilience, and disproportionally affecting vulnerable and marginalized communities. I use the lens of the intersectionality of structural poverty and inequalities (economic, gender, ethnics) that marginalize people, hinder adaptation capacity, and increase systemic climate change risks.